Dimov, Racier

Dimov, Racier (Veles) (Veles, 12. 1912 – Belgrade, 18. XI 1940) – A worker-poet, journalist and activist of the workers and national political movement. Upon completion of ⅱ class in the Veles high school (1925), teaches a carpentry craft in the city and works as a mandis in various masters. Then as a worker goes to Pec, in the Kavadarut v. Prergevo, on the construction of the railway line Veles-Prilep; Since 1938 Lete works as a carpenter in Belgrade, and winter returns to Veles of the same craft. Due to the progressive activity, for the first time in prison in 1936, for the second time two years later in the pre-election activity in the village. Source, the third time after the demonstrations of the Veles monopoly workers under the slog “We are looking for bread!” (1939), and the fourth arrest experiences in September bloody demonstrations in Belgrade (1940). Due to the articles life, imprisonment and maltreatment, tuberculosis or dies (perhaps poisoned?) In Belgrade. His funeral in his hometown turns into a great folk manifestation against the existing order. Close to its fellow citizen and friend K. Racin. Reads intensively and creates a rich personal library. Writes verses and prose in Serbian and Macedonian. Only twenty of his literary works are known. Even before 1932 Do literary attempts in poetry, and at 10. ⅻ 1933. The first story “Falling from the scaffold”, printed in no. 2 of the Podgorica SP. “Granite” (December 1934). He later cooperates in other periodic publications in Belgrade, and most as a permanent associate in Skopje c. “Our Word”, where his poums in Macedonian language “Penco” were printed (5. ⅰ 1940) and “Ballad of the unforgettable” (26. ⅳ 1940). Lit.: ‘May Dimin – Small’, “Our Word”, ⅱ, 23, Skopje, 30. ⅻ 1940, 4; Angel J. Dimov, Koco Racin and Small Racer, “People’s Newsletter”, Titov Veles, 15. ⅰ 1956, 10; Radivoje Pesic, Kiro Dimov, journalist and writer, “Nova Makedonija”, 1, 2 and 3. 1959; Radivoje Pesic, three poets: Dick of Interthean Macedonian Rights, “Knezhenje novine”, ⅹ, 100, Belgrade, 28. ⅷ 1959, 8; Dejan Aleksic, “Our Word” 1939-1941. From the history of the advanced press in Macedonia, Skopje, 1960, 300-301, 346-347 and 359-360; Radivo Pesic, four unknown songs from Kiro Dimov, “Striving,” X, 1, Prilep, 1964, 20-23 and 24-27; The same, Koco Racin and Kiro Dimov, “cultural life”, IX, 1, Skopje, 1964, 29-30; It browsing the journalistic Notebook of Kiro Dimov, “Nova Makedonija”, 5. ⅶ 1964, 7; Vasil Tocinovski, Kire Dimov-Small, “Modernity”, Jididge, 5, 1979, 78-89 and 90-101; Blaze Ristovski, the Macedonian verse 1900-1944. Research and materials, and, Skopje, 1980, 301-306; It also reported profiles from the Macedonian literary history, 2, Skopje, 1982, 258- 261. BL. R. Tsvetan Dimov.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДИМОВ, ќире

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