Dimov Pasha, ion

Dimov Pasha, Ion (village Trojac, Prilep, 1876 – Bitola, 1907) – Dian of TMORO and Bitola Duke. Returning from a signal in Romania, he broke the door of the Shebedin-Bey, where he used to serve (1900), from there, took a rifle and two guns and left the Komita of Georgi Sugarev, and then with the Duke John Cafes in Bitola. Later, he formed his company and in the Ilinden uprising (1903) he acted in the Sukkova Mountain and Prespa and then in Kicevo and Bitola. He died of a gained wound. Darm – Skopje, after Bitola, ZMG Ilinden. Lit.: Memories and biographies of Ilindens, DARM – Regional Department – Bitola, Bitola, 1993. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДИМОВ ПАШАТА, Јон

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