Dimitrov, Dimitar Nikolov

Dimitrov, Dimitar Nikolov (village of Tsquany, Voden, Greece, 13. Xi 1937) ‡ Doctor of Philosophy, university professor, publicist and politician. At the time of the Civil War in Greece (1948) comes in Macedonia, where the high school and philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1962). Master degree in Ljubljana (1966), and received his PhD in Zagreb (1972). Worked as a gymnasium professor, as an editor in the publishing house “Culture” and as a professor at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje. In the first (expert), the government of independent Macedonia was Minister of Education, and in the Government of VMRO-DPMNE Minister of Culture. He was ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Russian Federation (2000-2003). In the first phase of his philosophical work deals mostly with art issues, critically refers to certain aspects of Marxist aesthetic theory and ideas of activist art, and then engaging with the problems of history and political philosophy. BIB.: Life and Art, 1967; Opposition, 1971; Macedonian works, 1991; Art and Mother, 1992; Between totalitarianism and democracy, 1994; The name and mind, 1999 Iv. Ⅹ.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДИМИТРОВ, Димитар Николов

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