Development problems of industry in transition conditions

Development problems of industry under transition – problems that the industry is encountered in Macedonia in conditions of transformation of the economic system, i.e. Decay of the previous (self-governing) and construction of a new (market) economic system, as well as in conditions of construction of an independent state. Several more significant ones are distinguished from the multitude of problems. 1) The inherited unfavorable structure: In the past period, the Macedonian industry dominated the traditional branches (departments), which, how labor intensive, employed greater number of workers, but were distinguished by lower productivity; Also, the structure of the industry was highly the share of raw branches, which produced raw materials and semi-products with low stages of product processing; How is particularly unfavorable is the fact that capacities were built without an appropriate domestic raw base, i.e. raw and energy dependent on import (eg, textile and chemical industry, but in part and black and colored metallurgy); The raw capacities were large energy consumers per unit product (metallurgical capacities), which significantly increased production costs and created serious problems in the energy balance; Such a structure was the result of the development of the industry after World War II, S “until the start of the transition, in line with the concept of industrial development and displacement of the industry at the level of the former Yugoslavia. 2) Technical technological lag and low level of modernization: Due to the drastic reduction of investments, the step in technological modernization was lost, and many of the capacities became obsolete, and during the 1990s, most of the industrial facilities, waiting for privatization, completely Celebrated development and production. 3) Low productivity and overturning themselves are problems: technical-technological lag is the main cause of low productivity, but it has resulted from the “socialist” model of employment and reward, when more employees from objectively needed for one-job . 4) Special problem is the insufficient use of capacities and poor export orientation: Within the former state community (Yugoslavia), the Macedonian industry was oriented, before the village, towards the markets of the Yugoslav republics and the markets of other socialist countries; These markets were not very picky and tolerated lower quality and assortment of products. 5) adverse foreign economic and political conditions (economic and political blockades in the mid-1990s, military situations in the former Yugoslavia, as well as the security crisis since 2001) caused serious difficulties for the Macedonian industry and violated normal economic and traffic connections with traditional partners and markets. 6) the process of restructuring itself is difficulty for the industry: the ownership transformation, complemented by the organizational, technical and production transformation, have made additional uncertainty about the industry itself; They resulted in initial stagnation and declining industrial production, and thus reducing the engaged workforce. Lit.: National Strategy for the Economic Development of the Republic of Macedonia – Development and Modernization, Manu, Skopje, 1997; Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Macedonia 2003 – Framework Program for Economic Development and Reform, Skopje, 2000. T. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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