Deportation of the Jews from the Vardar part of Macedonia (1943). Before the end of 1942 Preparatory activities for the physical liquidation of the Macedonian Jews were completed. All property of Jewish municipalities in Macedonia (Skopje, Bitola and Stip) was confiscated in favor of the Bulgarian state. In the course of January 1943 It was limited to their movement of the Jews from Macedonia (1943) Harness. On 22. ⅱ 1943 an agreement was signed between Aleksandar Belev, Commissioner of Commissioner for Jewish Affairs in Moiev in Sofia, and Theodore Danecker, a specialist in the Jewish issue of “emigration” of 20,000 Jews from Macedonia and the whiteomoret, with all phases on deportation. On 11. ⅲ 1943, in Skopje, Bitola, Stip and other cities of Macedonia with smaller Jewish communities, the collection of Jews and their transportation began in the provisional concentration camp in the monopoly in Skopje. On March 15, 1943 The camp was 7,240 Jews. Before deportation from the camp were released 166 people, according to the criterion: doctors, pharmacy and foreign nationals. At 22, 25 and 29. ⅲ 1943, 2,150 families, with a total of 7,148 members, in three transporters, were sent to the death camp Treblinka 2 in Poland. Darm, Fund: Commission of Jewish questions-kept; Jewish municipality; Warming Colonom – Dr. Verkovic-Vangeli, Jews in Macedonia in World War II 1941-1945. Proceedings of documents, and ⅱ, Skopje, 1986. V. C. -T.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet