
Dentology – Science that studies wooden plant species (trees and shrubs). The name received from the Greek words dendron – wood and Logos – Science. Depending on which woody plants it studies, it is divided into: a) Forestry, B) Parkska or horticultural and c) Fruit. As a scientific discipline studies the following features of wooden plants: systematics, areal, morphology, ecology, breeding, economic significance, etc. As a teaching discipline in our country, it was first introduced after World War II at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje. The first teacher was Hans Em, and the first textbook for students published S. Judkov (1988), while the first two for high school (“Destrolology”, 1989 and “Decorative Dentology”, 1992) wrote A. Andonoski. Al. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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