Delcev, Gjorgji Dimitrov

Delcev, Gjorgji Dimitrov (village David, Gevgelija, 24. ⅰ ​​1927 -) – Pedagogue, university professor. Graduated from the Teacher School and Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1952). He received his doctorate at the University of Bordeaux, France (1974). In 1948 He was a teacher in the village. Lower, Neurocopic, Pirin Macedonia. He worked as a teacher at the Teacher School, and since 1966. As an assistant and professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, where he performed teaching after the methods of the departmental teaching. He was Head of the Group for Pedagogy and the General Defense Group at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. He is the author of a number of papers in the field of methods of departmental teaching, as well as several manuals and textbooks. BIB .: Primer, 1973, (20 editions); Chi-Tam and I write Latin, 1975; Adult primer, 1979; ZPO for adults, 1979; ZPO for third and fourth grade, 1998, etc. K. Camb.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕЛЧЕВ, Ѓорѓи Димитров

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