Decorative crumpling shrubs – used for protection against strong insolation, noise, dust, etc. Easily grown, multiply and resistant to diseases and pests. Because of these features are used for grounding facades, buildings or blind walls, masking factory walls, but commonly used on metal fences, gates, pillars, on terraces, etc. In cities and in tourist settlements in Macedonia, about 10 types are affirmed. Partenial The leaves are decorative, which are palenial divided, and they receive red. It very well submits city conditions and industrial pollution. It is used for crop facades and dry walls in the parks. Originated from North America. Partenocial tricypid (SETZ) Planch – deciduous shrub that grows up to 15 m length. The leaves are decorative, along the edge cut into three cords. In autumn blades. In Macedonia, it is rarely found, and not resistant to low temperatures. It originates from China and Japan. It is used for masking and decorating facades and walls. Hedera Helid (l) – evergreen shrub that reaches up to 30 m. The leaves are decorative, triangular. The sensable species, which does not bear sharp winters. The autochton species used for virgination, decoration and masking walls. Hedera Tarchchka C KOH – evergreen shrub that grows up to 30 m. The leaves are decorative, thick, fleshy, glossy, shallow three or round. It originates from Kafkaz. Served for decoration. CAMPSIS RSKNS (L) Seem – a deciduous shrub that grows up to 15 m length. The flowers are decorative. They are large, trumpet, velvety-red, collected after more together. The leaves are non-cash-passage. Originated from North America. It is used for masking and decoration of gates, metal fences, walls, etc. Lonica CHINESTIS NATS (Anama hand) – a deciduous crumpled bush that reaches up to 6 m length. The flowers are decorative, hesitant, the upper is yellow, and the lower lip is white. It has a strong pleasant smell. The leaves are opposite and forgive. It originates from China, Korea and Japan. It is used to decorate fences. CLIMATIS J. JACKEMANIES TEMEMOOR – a deciduous crumpled bush that grows 3-5 m length. The flowers are decorative, darklets with a diameter 10-15 cm, composed of 4 flower petals collected after three together. Hybrid species, which is commonly used to decorate colors on terraces. Imesteriary coatingis (sims) Saptain – a deciduous crumple bush that grows up to 20 m length. The flowers are decorative, light lights, collected in grape sacwell. The leaves are non-cash-passage, 25-30 cm long. It originates from China. It is used to decorate pergoles, on stretches, of the jets. Rungunum Ausarti L. HENRS – a deciduous crescent bush growing up to 15 m. The gutters are decorative. They are white, large meters built of numerous minor flights. It originates from China. It is used to cover pergoles, on stretches, etsets, etc. Acininia censical plan – a deciduous crumple bush growing up to 8 m length. The leaves are round, ending, and the flowers are large, white to cremous by color. It submits low temperatures in Skopje and more. It originates from China. It is grown due to the fruit – Kiwi. As a decorative shrub is used to cover pergoles and strives. R. R.
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