Declaration of the sovereignty of the SRM -. The Act of the Assembly of the SRM of 25. ⅰ 1991, with which the SRM declares a sovereign state. The declaration was made by consensus of all political parties represented in the Macedonian Parliament. It has a preamble and normative text of eight members. The preamble contains the legal basis for its adoption: the Constitution of the SRM since 1974. and the International Covenant on the Civil and Political Rights of the UN since 1966. The normative text contains declarative, imperative and program provisions. In the declarative provisions, it is concluded that the sovereignty, the independence and territorial integrity of the Macedonian state is an expression of the right of the Macedonian people of self-determination, including the right to secession. With the imperative provisions, the SRM undertakes independently to decide on the relations with the states of other nations of the SFR Yugoslavia in line with its interests, after a peaceful and democratic road. The program provisions envisage the obligation of the Assembly of the SRM to adopt the new constitution, which will determine the state regulation and new symbols of the Macedonian state. Lit.: Svetomir Shkaric, constitutional right, first book, Skopje, 1994. St. w. Faxiimil from the ASNOM Declaration on the fundamental rights of the citizens of the DFM (2. ⅶ 1944)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet