The constitution of the Republic of Macedonia as an entity of international law and the Plicica

The constitution of the Republic of Macedonia as an entity of international law and plusics. The process of (re) establishing the Macedonian state as an entity on the international scene took place in 1991, in several successive phases. The first phase was completed at 25. ⅰ 1991, with the unanimous adoption of the declaration of sovereignty of the SRM by the Assembly, with 120 votes “for” and with a complete consensus on all 17 then existing political parties – an expression of the will of the Macedonian people to practice the inalienable and permanent self-determination right. The second phase consists of the adoption of the Decision for announcing a referendum on independence and for sovereignty of the Republic of Macedonia, with an absolute majority of votes “for”. Representatives of the Coalition of Albanian parties presented in the Parliament – the Party of Democratic Prosperity and the National Democratic Party voted “against”. In the referendum (8th IX 1991), of the total number of adult citizens of the Republic of Macedonia – the poster for referendum 1.495.807, eligibility (1991) Liberes 1,329,891 or 75.74% of the electorate. From the number of out of return 1,079,308 (or 95.26%) vote “for”, that is, the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, voted with 92 votes “for” 120 elected Members of Parliament (17. Xi 1991) 72.16% of the total electorate . This phase ends with the declaration of sovereignty, adopted in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia. The process of identification of the statehood of the Republic of Macedonia is rounded to 17. XI 1991, when the first multi-party parliament adopts the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, in a democratic way, with 92 votes “for” a total of 120 elected MPs. Immediately afterwards, for the decision on the proclamation of the Constitution, 96 MPs vote. In the adoption of the Constitution, fourteen MPs from the political parties of the Albanian minority do not participate, although they take part in the parliamentary debate, and before the preparation of the preparation / formulation of the contents of the document in all working bodies of the Assembly. Disclaration UN Consurities of the Socialist Republic of the Republic of Macendonia, “Balkan Forum”, No.10 / 1992. Litus: Reconstitution of the Republic of Macedonia and Admission to the UN and the EU, RM 60 years after ASNOM, Collection from the scientific gathering on the occasion of the sixty-anniversary of ASNOM, held in Skopje on 15-16 December 2004, MANU, Skopje, 2005. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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