Day of solidarity

Day of solidarity (Skopje, July 26) – The day of victims of the Skopje earthquake and solidarity day. Of 26. ⅶ 1963 at 5.17 h. Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia, hit a catastrophic earthquake. 1070 were killed, and over five thousand citizens were injured. The most affected the center where he was thought to be the epicenter. The earthquake violated the basic functions of the city and its delegal natural development. Many countries of the world have received help. In addition to the rebuilding of damaged buildings, several new settlements (Taftalidze, Kozle, Dracevo, Butel, Gjorce Petrov, etc.) were built. There were facilities for economic, health, educational, cultural and other needs. That is why Skopje was called the city of world solidarity, and July 26, day of solidarity. Lit.: Dr. Aleksandar Matkovski, Chronicle of the earthquake in Skopje: (July 26, 1963), Skopje, 1962; Dr. Novica Veljanovski (with co-authors), Meet Macedonia, Skopje, 2001. N. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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