Davkov, Blagoj (Skopje, 21. 1921 – Skopje Central Prison, 21. ⅰ 1943) – Machine As an employee of Pope Theodos (1938), joined the URS trade unions, became a member of the CPY (from spring 1940) and member of the MK of the CPY in Skopje (from September 1940). In NOVM was a member of a diversion group (July 1941), a fighter of the first Skopje NOO (from 22. ⅷ 1941), and after his disability he illegalized (from the end of 1941 – May 1942). In leave was sentenced to death by hanging (9. ⅴ 1942). Later he became a fighter in the Veles NOOP “Pere Toshev” (May – September 1942), in the Veles NOO “Dimitar Vlahov” (September – the end of October 1942), and then transferred to the second Skopje NOO (October-December 1942). Sent to Skopje to connect with the local organization of the CPY, he was arrested (2, 1943) and the previously pronounced death sentence was carried out on his birthday. Litt.: B. B., records for one biography, “13 November”, no. 1, Skopje, 1962, 16; Were, killed, remained, Skopje, 1969, 49; Boge Kuzmanovski, dashes for the biography of Blagoj Davkov, Skopje, 1981; Cross health, not to be forgotten, monuments and memorial features of a new in Skopje, Skopje, 1982, 35, 74, 150 and 192; Cross health, when Blagoj Davkov detected and imprisoned?, “Nova Makedonija”, Jelibi, 14411, Skopje, 7. ⅲ 1987, 2. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДАВКОВ, Благој