Damjanovski, Anatoli Krstev (village Lazaropole, 10. ⅳ 1928 – Skopje, 2. ⅲ 1996) – Pedagogue, university professor, Minister of Education and Science. He graduated from the Teacher School (1947) and studies after pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1951), where he defended Habilitational Labor (1966). Worked as a teacher in teacher-Anatoli Damjanovski, the School in Bitola, and since 1954. As an assistant, that is, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje on the subject of Didactics. He was Director of the Republic Institute for the Promotion of Schedule (1969-1972), Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Projector at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “, Republic Secretary (Minister) for Education and Science (1978-1986). It also performed several other social functions: Chairman of the Yugoslav Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO; Chairman of the Republic Pedagogical Council; President of the Pedagogical Society of Macedonia; Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Enlightenment”, etc. The scientific plan, mainly, was directed towards the didactics and educational system. He is the author of about 150 expert and scientific papers. BIB.: Marx, Engels, Lenin for Education and Education, 1963 (co-author); The student in teaching, 1989; Individualization of teaching, 1993 and Dr. Lit: K. Cambera, life, activity and pedagogical creation of Anatoli Damjanovski, “Pedagogy”, 1, Skopje, 2004, 17-27. K. Camb. Risto Damjanovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДАМЈАНОВСКИ, Анатоли Крстев