Damev, Ognen Cvetanov

Damev, Ognen Cvetanov (Bitola, 7. ⅵ 1939) – Geography, UNIV. Professor of economic geography. He graduated from the Faculty of Natural Faculty (Group Geography) in Skopje, and a master’s degree (1977) and PhD (1987) at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje. He was primarily a professor at the high school with economic classes “Josip Brozy Tito” in Kavadarci, and then from the assistant (1971) and lecturer (1978), to a full professor (1997) at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje. His scientific preoccupation is the spatial organization of the economy – the distribution of industry and agrarian production, the problems of the rural economy, rural-urban migration, settlements and processes of urbanization. BIB.: DEAGRIZATION AND Depopolation of individual agricultural holdings in the territory of Demir Hisar, Skopje, 1972; The situation, problems and perspectives of electrost production in SR Macedonia, Skopje, 1973; The resources of wood and woodworking industry in SR Macedonia, Skopje, 1979; The expense and consumption of the mixed households in the transformation of the village in SR Macedonia, Skopje, 1982; The urbanization of the villages in terms of changes in the equipment of the village population in SR Macedonia with apartments, residential infrastructure and lasting consumables, MANU, Skopje, 1985; Degradration and urbanization of the village in SR Macedonia, Skopje, 1986 (Doctoral dissertation); Deogradation and processes of the village urbanization in SR Macedonia (from the liberation by the early eighties), Skopje, 1990; The commercial world economy (production, spatial organization and busy flows), Skopje, 1996 and 2004. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДАМЕВ, Огнен Цветанов

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