Damages from insects on trees

Damages from insects to trees. It has numerous and varied, specific to certain insect species. They differ in the way in which insects take food from the trees, after the reaction of the trees and after the consequences that remain. From a practical point of view, they can be grouped according to the way they are made: damages from gribbing of solid parts of the trees; damages the leaf (drilled and lateral nibbling, skeletoning, minating and bending sheet); damages the trunk and the branches (nibbling the bark, under the bark, in the Belines and the heart); damage to forest seed; Damages to the root system; Damages from legs (lay eggs in legs in some bodies and parts of the trees); damages from the smacking of vegetable insect juices that have an oral wear and smacking apparatus (cause mechanical damage, deformation of certain organs and physiological vulnerable stems); Creation of gali-scashes or ceridies (deformed tissues occurring in response to the insect cecidogens from insects in their diet or when passing eggs). ST. N.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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