Copper time. . He lasted for a long time, so his evolution took place in three phases, marked as early, medium and late eneolithic. The beginnings match the time of the so-called. Major migrations of Indo-European peoples, which, due to changes in climatic conditions in the steppo-carpathic landscapes, were displaced in various directions. To Central Europe they were intense and long lasting. Thus, in one of them (through Olthenia and the lower point), they also entered the Balkan area that caused riots among the population, spatial shifts, and even ethnocultural changes. In Macedonia, the remains of eenolithic settlements were discovered at the sites: copper threshing, Shotevec and the blackbies in Pelagonia; Ustje of Drim in Struga; Skopje Kale in Skopje; Costoperska rock in the village. Young Nagoricane, Kumanovo; Pilavo in the village. Burilchevo, Kocani; As well as Gradiste in the village. City, Delcevo. Although S “still insufficiently explored, the origin of its carriers binds to the populations of Bubard-sacrifice-Krivodol Cultural Complex in Southeast Europe. In the Macedonian and Balkan archeology, it is known as Uzupeva – a copper threater cultural group, which is a synonym for its cultural character. Lit.: Milutin Garasanin – Dragica Simoska, Chistanec control excavations and some problems on the Uchupec-copper group, “Macus. Acta Arzhaeol. “, 2, 1976; Nikola Tasic, Buba-Saving-Krivodol Complex, PHZ, ⅲ, Sarajevo, 1979; Irena Nasteva-Kolitrkoska, Eneolith (in Macedonia), acry, 1, 1994, 43. V. S.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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