Clini mines in the Republic of Macedonia. Significations of clay of different genetic type are present in the Republic of Macedonia. Following its chemical and physical characteristics they are mutually different, and therefore have a different usable value. Tular clays are the most widespread type clays. There are many categories that are in exploitation. Various types of brick types produce from these clays. Famous sites in the surroundings of Katlanovo, Veles, Negotino, Kumanovo, Stip, Vinica, Strumica, Bitola, Resen, Gostivar, Struga and other localities. Ceramic clays of different quality are known for several localities. They are most present and explored in the vicinity of Pehcevo, where the village site is striking, and then Bukovic and Grassil. The fir is a sedimentary site with an average power of 14 m. Clay minerals were created as a consequence of the chemical disintegration of the minerals of eruptive and effusive rocks, which were poorly diagnosted and their complement. Clays are used in various industrial branches. In the production of bricks, clays are used, which besides clay minerals also contain impurities (limestone, sand, marble mine “Sevev”, Prilep Iron). Clyli can be used in ceramics in which it can be 1.5% FE. The clays of which porcelain, electrocelecalan and fine ceramics are kaolinsky and Illute clays with high plasticity. The refractory high-quality clays are used for obtaining the head and other fireproof material. Benthnite clays are applied in the oil oil industry, in oil, chemical, textile, tire, color and varnish industry, etc. Lit.: Milorad Stojanovic, deposits of non-metallic mineral resources in Macedonia, Skopje, 2005. T. Sir.
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