
Clear. (Frasini L., Fam. Oleicae) – About 80 types of moderate areas of the Northern Hemisphere belong. Trees, rarely shrub, with odd pastry sheets, contrary. One-life or two-standing, with flowers collected in meters, terminal or lateral sords. The fruits are elongated, winged nuts. In our country, the following types are available: a) Jasic clear, white clear) (FRA. The complex sheets are composed of 9-17 elliptical petals. The fruit is flat, winged nut. In the Republic of Macedonia, it is represented individually, in addition to the mountain rivers in the oak and the beech region; b) Polish clear (FR. Angustypopholia Wahl.) – Wholesale wood with Areal in Southern Europe, West Asia and North Africa. The complex sheets are 7-17 narrow petals. The fruit is flat, winged nut. It is rarely represented by the rivers in the sub-Mediterranean. It also registered its fiber SPP. Pallized Fuk.; c) black clear (FR. Ornus L.) – Small tree, widespread across southern Europe, Asia Minor and through North Africa. The complex sheets have 5-9 leaf, oval petals. The flowers are hermaphrodite, white, smelly, collected in upright, terminal, bratest sords. The fruit is oval, winged nut. It is massively present in the oak and in the region of White Gaber. Al. And. The Forest Reserve “Clear”

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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