
Mida (Midas) – The son of Gordy (according to some, his mother was Kibela), the king of the Brigates, who moved to Asia Minor, where they are known as Freigiga, and the area settled by Phernic, hence it is also mentioned as a king of Freion (OK. 737 BCE). For his face, myths that make a symbol of wealth and wisdom, but also of greed or stupidity. Around Mount Bermius (now Vermion) were “gardens of Midas”, where, according to the myth, he captured strong (educator and companion of Dionysus). According to the preserved fragment of Kalisten in Strabon, the source of his mythological treasure was the mines near the mountain Bermius. Not.: HEROOPS, HISTORIA, Odioni, 1927; Strabon, geogrophical, and-ⅲ, Lipsiae, 1895-1913. Lit.: D. Tyoyens ¢ – A. Cermanovski-Kuzmanov, Glossary and Rimske Mitology, Belgrade, 1987. E. Petrova, Brigates of the Central Balkans in ⅱ and millennium BC, Skopje, 1996. K. M.R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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