Christianization in Macedonia – the first country in Europe, where the apostle Paul with the companions – the apostles Si-la, Timothy and Luke spread the Christian faith and baptized the Macedonian population between 51 and 54 years, starting from the city of Philippi to the Aegean Sea. The first baptized Christian person was Macedonian Lydia from the city of Tijatir (from Macedonians, relocated in the time of Alexander the Great), which was then staying in Philippi. Upon receipt of Christianity, the first Christian municipality in Europe was formed, founded by the Apostle Paul, managed by the Evangelist Luke. The second Christian municipality was formed in Thessaloniki when the Apostle Pavle arrived with power and Timothy, and Aristarchus was placed for a bishop. Church municipalities in Macedonia became a spiritual pattern for Christian communities in other parts of Europe. Between 51 and 66 The apostle Paul visited Macedonia, the second Christian country. There were parts of the New Testament (some of the epistles and the Gospel of Luke). Christianity in Macedonia became a driver of spiritual and cultural processes. For this, church events from the early Christian period also testify, as well as the numerous cults of general Christian saints in Macedonia. Christianity with the Christianization of the Slavs (after ⅶ c.) Led to religious and ethno cultural symbiosis among indigenous Macedonians and the Slavic population. Macedonia has penetrated Europe the third (after the Latin and Byzantine-Greek) Christian civilization – the Slavic. Lit.: Holy letter of the old and New Testament, second edition, Skopje, 1991; F. Pop-Atanasov, the Bible for Macedonia and Macedonians, Skopje, 1995; I. Velev, Byzantine-Macedonian literary ties, Skopje, 2005. I. Well. Stevan Hristic.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХРИСТИЈАНИЗАЦИЈАТА во Македонија