Campanka-Elace, Mary (Veles, 20. 1924 – Rezani, Velesko, 6. 1943) – Workers, organizer of the workers’ and youth movement, fighter of Veles NOO “Dimitar Vlahov” (from 1942). He was a member of the SCOY (from 1939) and the MK of KP for Veles (from 1942). After numerous fights with the Bulgarian army and police in Veles from September to December 1942, along with a group of partisans, it was discovered and liquidated in a hut near the veles. Lit.: Veles and Veles in New 1941-1945, Memorial Book, T. Veles, 1985; Gjorgji Malkovski, the revolutionary Maria Camashova (Noncha), Gini, Juji, 3, Skopje, 1984. F. Malc.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАМИШОВА-НОНЧА, Марија