Cherry ball (1903) – Wooden cannon (from TMORO committees called propaganda), prepared immediately before and during the Ilinden Uprising. Dimensions: length of 80 to 150 cm, weight 20-70 kg, caliber, depending on the ammunition, mainly as much as a rural cantar or a hand bomb from the Bitola Bombalena. Were fastened with iron hoops and placed on legs (Lafet). The main parts were: tube, labet, sharp filling and wick. The reach of 400 to 500 m. Fire power after several successful shots. 17 wooden cannons were made in various workshops, of which 10 in the Krushevo armoric and in the village. Four Topa were seized and taken to Istanbul in whose military museum and today is Satosovo ball. Lit.: Vanche Stojcev, Military History of Macedonia, Skopje, 2000. V. ST.
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