Chernopeev, Hristo (village of Dermans, Pleven, Bulgaria, 16. ⅶ 1869 – Krivolak, Negotino, 5. ⅺ 1915) – Bulgarian, NCO in the Bulgarian army (until 1899), Ilinden Duke. In TMORO was acquired by Mr. Delchev became a close association of Sandanski, then Kuky Duke (from 1900) and duke in Gornoduma (1901-1902). He participated in the plunge of Miss Ellen Stone and the Ilinden Uprising. He was District Duke and Head of Strumica Revolutionary District (1903-1908), participated in the Rila Congress (1905). He was among the founders of the National Federal Party and a participant in the campaign of Constantinople (1909), but also a member of the CC of Todor Aleksandrov (1911), a participant in the Balkan and World War I, when he died in the battle of Krivolak. Lit.: The movement of Tsham Vardara and the fight with Víberstite <. After memories of âe Sandanski, Cherni Peev, Sava Mihailoví, Hr. Kasoví, Iv. Anastasov Gíber, Petrí Hr. Áruskí and Nikola Shothe, Sofia, 1927. V. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧЕРНОПЕЕВ, Христо