Chakalarov, Vasil (v. Smell, Kostur, 1874 – Kostur, 20. ⅶ 1913) – Revolutionary, Duke, participant in the Ilinden Uprising. He completed a prime. He was convicted and lying in Korchanic prison (1893), managed to escape and left for Bulgaria. Boris Sarafov, 1900, hired him and sent him to Greece to organize a channel for sending weapons and ammunition for TMORO’s needs. He became Kostur Duke (from 1901), he participated in the Smilevo Congress (1903). He was a member of the Kostur Gordan Project. In the Ilinden Uprising, he fought in the Kostur, the Lerin region, when the liberation of the gorge and the direction and the battles near the village. Vidish, Kostur Region. After the uprising, he moved in Kostur Region, fought against the Andres and the Greek propaganda. In the First Balkan War (1912), he acted in the background of the Ottoman forces. In the second Balkan war, he acted in the background of the Greek army and died in the locality “Lako” on Mount Vicho, Kostur Region. Lit.: Il. Ilindení “, 1937, no. 9; 1939, no. 6; 1940, no. 6. V. F. Kocho Chakalaroski Jakalaroski, Koco Petrov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧАКАЛАРОВ, Васил