Cermanovic-Kuzmanovic, Alexandrina

Cermanovic-Kuzmanovic, Alexandrina (1928 – 2001) – Professor of classical philiza archeology. Falk. in Belgrade. Many studies from the ancient period in the Balkans, ranging from those about the problems of Trebenic culture, as well as for many necropolises, cities and inscriptions, for glass, ceramics and jewelry, and especially for the cults of Roman times are current and for the territory of Macedonia. It is particularly important for its capital work for the Thracian horseman in the culture of the Balkan peoples. Encyclopedic editions for Greek and Roman mythology, for the religions of ancient Europe, the numerous benchmarks in the archaeological lexicon are valuable literature on the Balkan and European archeology. BIB.: Gravghe Carry Vara, Belgrade, 1977; Roman glass, Belgrade, 1987; Co-author: Dictionary of Dictionary and Rimske mythology, Belgrade, 1979. EL. M. The locality of Gypsy cemetery, Radolista, Struga

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЦЕРМАНОВИЌ-КУЗМАНОВИЌ, Александрина

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