Cekov, Jordan (Dane) Denkov – (Kumanovo, 15. 1921) – Communist Deper, Power, Military Commander and Artillery Colonel of JNA, Society and Publicist. He was a member of the SCOY (1938), and after the April war he participated in the collection of weapons and ammunition (12. 1941) for armament of the Kozjak and Kazani, the NOOP and worked in the party technique of the MK of the CPY in Kumanovo (July-August 1941). He was one of the organizers of the student Jordan (Dane) Cekov Strike (September 1941), an associate of illegal c. “Octbris” (1942), a member of the CPY (February 1943) and the MK of the CPY (March 1943) and Secretary of the MK of the Kumanovo in Kumanovo (May 1943). He was a fighter of the second Southern NOOP (26. ⅵ 1943), Commander of the Kumanovo NOO (2943) and the Kumanovo But Battalion “Jordan Nikolov”, commander of the eleventh Macedonian but Brigade and the third Macedonian Nawb (September 1944) , after which he received the act of Major (1. ⅹⅰⅰ 1944). After the liberation, he completed the Higher Officer Artillery School in Leningrad (1945) and was named Commander of the Infantry and Tank Division Artillery. When he finished the Higher Military Academy of JNA (1951-1953) was named Commander of an artillery regiment, and then retired with Qin Colonel (1956). Later he performed a growing number of social political functions – the Republic of Parliament, Head of the Republican Fund for Scientific Work (April 1961 – September 1967), expert and senior expert associate in Skopje (October 1967 – October 1979). The holder is a partisan monument 1941. BBB.: Another thing for the liberation of Skopje, Viorian LTOs, Skopje, 1957, 249-251; Fighting the dragon, “cultural life”, V, 9-10, Skopje, 1960, 22-24; The third Macedonian striking brigade in the fighting for the release of Skopje, documents and materials for the liberation of Skopje, REC. And, Skopje, 1968, 165-174; Kumanovska Borough in Noob (from 16. ⅱ 1943 to 26. ⅱ 1944), Kumanovo, 1969; Fifteen days with Veles Partisans, Veles and Veles in New 1942, Titov Veles, 1969, 165-169; The third Macedonian brigade and the Kosovo unit by mid-May 1944, Kumanovo, 1969; The fighting acts of the third Macedonian striking brigade before and during the liberation of Veles, Veles and Veles in New 1943 – May 15, 1945, Titov Veles, 1977, 291-300; Documents. Kumanovo in New 1941-1942, Kumanovo, 1980; Revolutionary activity in the house of Denko Cekov, “Swim”, ⅷ, 23-24, Kumanovo, 1981, 108-121; Straso Pindzur in Kumanovo in the second half of January 1942, Tikvesh in New, 1941-1945, kn. Seven: Straso Pindzur, a folk hero, Kavadarci-Negotino, 1985, 242-247; Earth counseling of the organizations of SCOY in high schools in Macedonia 1942, “History”, ⅹⅹⅰ, 1, Skopje, 1985, 99-109; The participation of the Third Brigade in the liberation of Veles, the eighth Macedonian drain Brigade, Titov Veles, 1988, 242-247; Kumanovo in New 1941-1945. Attachments for the history of Kumanovo and Kumanovo in New 1941- 1945, and Kumanovo, 1989; Pance Peshev – a punishment accusing, Kumanovo, 1989 (and Skopje, 2002); Kumanovo in New (1941- 1945). Attachments for the history of Kumanovo and Kumanovo in New 1941-1945, and ⅱ, Skopje 2002; Trajko Stojkovski-Bush – Heroism and Primitivism, Copyright Edition, Skopje, 2005. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЦЕКОВ, Јордан