Bulgarian-Turkish Contract Constantinople

Bulgarian-Turkish agreement – Constantinople (26. / 8. Ⅳ 1904) – Agreement on normalization of mutual relations worsened by the Ilinden Uprising in Macedonia. Until the deterioration came after the accusations of Constantinople for the involvement of the principality of causing the uprising. With the agreement, the Government of the Principality Bulgaria pledged to prevent the creation of revolutionary committees and armed troops and their action against the Ottoman Empire, to punish its citizens involved in such actions, preventing the transition and transmission of explosive materials and weapons through the demarcation line in Macedonia. Turkey’s government has committed itself to implement the reforms predicted by the Mirecrew Program and amnesty participants in the Ilinden Uprising. Turkey has fulfilled the obligation to give amnesty, and obstructed reforms in Macedonia. The Bulgarian principality did not stop, but he replaced the propaganda and armed action of the hearts in Macedonia. Lit.: Macedonia in bilateral and multilateral agreements of the Balkan states, Skopje, 2000. M. Min.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БУГАРСКО-ТУРСКИ ДОГОВОР Цариград

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