Broadcasting in the Republic of Macedonia

Broadcasting in the Republic of Macedonia – dates from 1941, when the first intermediate transmitter is mounted at a location in Madzari. The Macedonian Radio has its first emission in Gorno Vranovci on 28. ⅹⅰⅰ 1944 The first television show is emitted on 14. ⅹⅰⅰ 1964 Today, MRTV broadcasts three television and three radiocans, satellite television channel, etc. Specialized programs. The system from networks of the Public Enterprise “Macedonian Broadcasting” in the secondary branch, VHF and the UHF area, achieves coverage of the population (depending on the area) of 93 to 99.9%. In private broadcasting, there are five television and three radio cottages for national coverage and about 150 local radio and television stations. In 1997 The Broadcasting Council is established as an independent regulatory body, and since 2004. The Public Enterprise “Macedonian Broadcasting” experimentally broadcasts a digital earth television signal on the territory of Skopje. Dr. M.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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