Bregalnica National Liberation Squad “Goce Delchev” (Mestality Beekeeper, Stip, 19. 1943 – Meat performs Dol, Vinica, 21. 1943) – Partisan unit of New and Pom. After intense preparations for formation, Vera Aceva, a member of the PC of the CPY for Macedonia, informed the PC that the operational leadership and the zone of the action of the detention (8. ⅴ 1943) was determined. At the specified day (19. c) 8 fighters came out on the talk point, which represented the core of the squad. But pore, towards the database of PL. Plachkovica, were handed over to the Bulgarian police and came to a struggle in the locality, Vinichko (21. c), with the destination, was busted and killed the National Hero Vanco Prke, Todor Arsov and Aleksandar Mitrev. Fighters Gosho Slamkov and Mitko Ushinski managed to break the hoop, and the captured fighters Vanco Kitanov, Nikola Nechtenin and Mitko Cekka were later killed in police torture. Lit.: Ljuben Georgievski-Ljupa, students revolutionaries, ⅱ Part, Skopje, 1973, 20-24; Stip and Stip at the National Liberation War 1941-1945, articles from the scientific gathering held on 17, 18 and 19 May 1990 in Stip, Book 1-4, Skopje, 20002001. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet