Brayovic-Djuro, Peter

Brayovic-Djuro, Peter (village Rijeka Crnojevic, Cetinje, Montenegro, 29. ⅵ 1915 – Belgrade, 19. Xi 1991) – Power and military commander, Lieutenant General, People’s Hero. High school finished in 1937, and the Military Academy in 1940. Member of the CPY of 1941, and Illegalese since 1942. During the NOB (from 1943 to the first half of 1945) was the deputy commander of the Karadan NOO, commander of the group of Kosovo-Metali battalions, the First Macedonian-Kosovo Brigade, the First Kosovo-Metohika Brigade, the 48th (Macedonian) division , on ⅹⅴⅰ (Macedonian) corps and the operating headquarters of New and in Kosovo and Metohija. In 1945 He was hard wounded. After the war he performed high military duties in the JNA. Lit.: War Encyclopedia, 2, Belgrade, 1971; Lexicon People’s Liberation Rata and Revolution U Yugoslavians 1941- 1945, 1, Belgrade, 1980. F. Malc.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БРАЈОВИЌ-ЃУРО, Петар

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