Bozhinov, Panaya (village Aposkep, Kostur ,? – Kostur, 1913) – Teacher and poet. He completed the prime of the Kostur and the Exarchatic Spiritual Seminary in Customs-City. He participated in the Ilinden uprising and in the fighting in Viden, the flying peak, at the gorge, etc. Some of these events have been performed in their songs (“The Death of Lazar Poptrajkov”, “The Summer Top”). After the uprising, he worked as a teacher, but he came to conflict with the Great-Bulgarian Oriented Program of Program in Kostur after the Macedonian national question and emigrated to America. Later, he returned to Macedonia (1910), but due to his Macedonian national determinations, he was insidious by Greek authorities. S. Ml. Valentina Bozinovska Bozhinovska, Valentina
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОЖИНОВ, Панајот