Boudlev, Georgi (Ohrid, 1813 – 1882) – Temider, teacher, and cultural Dean. He was a teacher in Ohrid (OK 1855-1856). He had particular interest to the historical, especially towards the cultural past of Macedonia and the Macedonian people. He had a large library with books and manuscripts with historical significance. He was associate of the professor of the Kazan University Viktor I. Gligorovich at his stay in Ohrid (1845). In his library, pargaments from the “Life of St.” were found. Clement “. He is the author of the transcript of a part of the famous “Code of Ohrid Metropolis”. Exhibition: NBCM-BIA, F. 577, A.e. 1, l. 14. Lit.: O = Erk Patosisvajo after Europeans Turcni (Cartozh Ohridsko and Prespa) Victor Griguri = A, Education Second, Moscow, 1877. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОДЛЕВ, Георги