Boskovski-Tarcan, Trajko (v. Big Radobil, Prilep, 12. ⅵ 1918 – p. Glatnik, Veles, 6. ⅰ 1943) – carpenter, communist Dentist and legendary primeist. As a member of the Sacio (1935), he participated in the workers’ movement in Belgrade (1937). At the time of Ilinden demonstrations (1940) he held two noticeable speech. As a member of the CPY (1941), he was a member of the MK of the CPY in Prilep, political commissioner of the first Prilep NOO “Goce Delcev”, member and instructor of the PC of the CPY for Macedonia (from December 1941), political commissioner of the provincial operating headquarters ( From April 1942), political commissioner of the Veles NOO “Dimitar Vlahov” (September 1942). He was sentenced to death from the Bulgarian courts. Hardly wounded (Christmas 1943), the fighters left him in a hut, but he was delivered in an uneven struggle with the Bulgarian military and police forces, with the last bullet he committed suicide. Lit.: Ljuben Georgievski, Trajko Boskoski-Ilinden, “Communist”, ⅹⅺ, 302, Skopje, 15. ⅱ 1963, 10; Ljuben Georgievski-Ljupa, Tarcan (Trajko Boskoski-Tarcan – Ilinden), Skopje, 1994. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОШКОВСКИ-ТАРЦАН, Трајко