Bojadzi, Athens

Bojadzi, Athens (Ohrid, 11. ⅲ 1944) – Swimming marathon. Graduated from the Visa Coaching School in Novi Sad (1968) and Visa Pedagogical School in Belgrade (1972). She was a member of PVD “Ohrid waves” in Ohrid. CHINICA OF ATHENS Bojadzi Macedonia in 13 disciplines in swimming short paths, with 8 republic records. The top world competitions in a marathon swimming won 3 first seats, the Ohrid Lake, 36 km (1962 and 1966) and from Capri to Naples, 33 km (1963) and 2 second places from Capri to Naples (1966 and 1968). She was the first and strong international Marathons Saida-Beirut 40 km (Lebanon, 1962) and Kabret-Ismailia 60 km (Egypt, 1963). US-feather participated in other marathons (until 1970). Tested the La Manch channel (9. IX 1969) for 13 hours and 20 minutes. She was elected the best athlete of Macedonia (1962 and 1963). Lit.: Aleksandar Radich, 50 years old “Ohrid waves,” Ohrid, 1982. D. S. Dicky Bojadzi

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОЈАЏИ, Атина

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