Bogdan. (Ⅹ – XI c.) – Macedonian nobleman and large dignant, Toparch of the internal fortresses stretched, according to Skelitsa, from Prilep to the West, were likely to occupy the central areas of the Samuil’s kingdom. Apart from Skelits, does not mention any other source. He has long been a supporter of the Byzantine King, killed his test Matejica, and as such when he surrendered to Vasily ⅱ (spring 1018), he was honored with the high title Patrickus. But he was not satisfied with what he received from Byzantium for services, and Skelitsa later remembered as one of the participants in the conspiracy against the Byzantine Emperor Constantine ⅷ (1026), and he was caught. Lit.: Costa Adzievski, Pelagonia in the Middle Ages, Skopje, 1994. F. Malc.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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