Berberski, Dimitar (Posses. Toots, Eftim, Barber-Klime) (Krushevo, 23. ⅵ 1921 – Shokin, Meglen, 18. ⅰ 1944) – National Dean and Price. After receiving a member of the CPY (February 1942) he crossed in equalism and became a fighter of Krushevo NOOP “Pitu Guli” (16. – By the end of November 1942). Then with a group of fighters from the detachment of illegal stay in the territory under Italian occupation (Kicevo, Gostivar and Tetovo). Soon he became a fighter of the Gostivar NOO (March 1943), then a fighter in the Kicevo-Mavrovo Nopo, in but Battalion “Mirce Acev”, deputy commander of the first operational zone of New and Pom, military head of the first Macedonian-Kosovo Nock and Commander of the Chief In the second Macedonian but brigade. He died in a fight with German forces. Lit: Proceedings of the killed fighters and victims of the fascist terror from Krusevo and Krusevo in New 1941 – 15 May 1945, Krusevo, 1994, 84-85. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕРБЕРОВСКИ, Димитар