Bendida – Edron-Piero Deity, with a cult in Struma. Bendida represents the “Great Mother” (“Megale Tea”). Iconographic is represented by: short chiton, gown of animal skin (nonbris), boots, frigiscus cap and spear. The cult is associated with Paion cults devoted to Artemis and Brigian deity Bendida. Particularly respected with the bitins, the strimon in Asia Minor, which is witnessed to the name of the month of Bendeios and the artistic views of the coins of the Bitin King Nichomed (ⅲ c.): Goddess with a sword, shield and two spears. Lit.: D. Tyjhians, A. Cermen, Glossary Dictionary and Rimske mythology, Belgrade, 1979; D. Popov, Bendida, Sophie®, 1981; N. Proceed, studies on ancient Macedonians, Skopje, 1997. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕНДИДА