
Bargala (Upper Kozjak) – Determined settlement from late antique time and episcopal center. The city grew up by Roman military fortification (castrum), which testifies the inscription on the stone plate of 371 years., Accidentally found in the village. Karbinci. According to him, the city was in the province of Mediterranean Dakia. The HieroClot Sinegdem lists Bishop Dardanius as a participant of the Halanced Council in 451, when the city was in the province of Macedonia Salutaris. The determination has an irregular rectangular shape (280 x 185 m), with the fourth defense towers and wall wide 2.20 m. On the west side is the main dual entrance in the city. The civilian will also be developed towards the military character of the city. Over the ⅳ- ⅵ c. The city grows into a powerful episcopal center of Central Bregalnica, scoring the biggest rise in the time of Justinian. He suffered in the campaign of the barbarians in the late ⅵ and early ⅶ century. In 1966-1970 A three-nave basilica is discovered with floor of stone slabs, and in the northern Korab Puzzle of major teasers. The presbytery is under in Opus Sectile. The interior was with rich architectural stone plastic. The bishop Jeremiah is the name of the Bishop Jeremiah. On the northern perimeter wall (on the outside) there is a baptisterium with two construction phases. In the complex of the Episcopal Basilica, the city pull and residential complex for the episcopal residence. The basilica was built towards the end of ⅳ c., And built in ⅵ c. The research was discovered a depot of 277 eurozanic coins from Anastasij and Justin and Justinian and Justin ⅱ, Tiberius and Maurice. The locality explored I. Venedikov, B. Aleksova, S. Mango and Z. Beldedovski. Lit.: I. Venadikov, Bargala. Scales and Studies, and, Sofia, 1948, 82-97; B. Aleksova – C. A. Mango, and Prelimination Raport, “Dop”, 25, Nasashington, 1971, 263-277; B. Aleksova, the bishopric of Bregalnica, Prilep, 1989, 41-69. D. Z.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАРГАЛА

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