Baholi Sull, Suleiman

Baholi Sull, Suleiman. (Debar, 1923) – a participant in the labor and communist movement in Albania and Macedonia. He was educated in Debar and Shkodra. After the occupation of Albania, it was active in the resistance movement. With the establishment of the KP of Albania (8. Xi 1941) he became her member; He is a member of OK for Durres, and later secretary. Since June 1943 He was party work in Debar. He was a member and secretary of the MK of Debar and a member of the First Crown Committee of the CPM for Western Macedonia. It is active in the formation of the NOO in places inhabited by Albanian population. Since the end of 1943 He returned to party work in Albania. Lit.: Masar Codra, the participation of Albanian nationality in the expansion of free territories in Macedonia, ZB. “Free territories in Macedonia – Henrik Botovski 1943”, Skopje, 1975; Albanian nationality in a new (doctoral dissertation in manuscript). M. MIH. Slavcho Bahjchevajiev

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАХОЛИ СУЉ, Сулејман

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