Adonis, Ali Ahmad Said Esber (Ali Ahmad Said Esber Adonis) (Basin, 1. ⅰ 1930) – poet and essayist, was born in Syria, and later becomes a Lebanese citizen. He is the biggest contemporary Arab poet. His work is a shiny lyric synthesis in the east and west, a new literary expression and interpretation. In 1997 he received the Golden Wreath at the SVP. BIB.: Songs of Mijar Damascotean, 1961; Book of Metamorphoses and the Selitry in the regions of the day and night, 1965; Theater and mirrors, 1968; Time between the lines and roses, 1970; Singular in the form of plural, 1977; Book of Environment, 1985; The lust arising in the maps of matter, 1987; Light festivities, 1988; Second Alphabet, 1994. He is also more essayistic books. Lit.: Bons Bonnes, Violant Et Paige, Institute du Monde Arab, Paris, 2000. P. Gil.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АДОНИС, Али Ахмад Саид Есбер