Artificial lakes in the Republic of Macedonia. A total of 110 artificial lakes were located, out of which 21 have more than 1,000,000 m water, and others accumulate 3 water less than 1,000,000 m. They are built by man with certain purposes and for certain purposes, such as: water supply of settlements and industry, irrigation of agricultural areas, electricity production, tourism and recreation, ribergene, flood protection, and torrents, for waterfall, core and for other purposes. According to the accumulated amount of water, they are divided into large and small. The group of large artificial lakes includes: Tikvesh Shpilje, Mavrovo, Kozjak Kalimanci Strezevo, Globochica, Ratevska, Lipkovsko, Glaznja, Youth, Prilep, Turija, Mantova, Vodocha, Paljurci, Konjsko, Small Town, Canyon, Mavrovica and Slatina Lake. Of these, 11 are in the east, and 10 in the western part of the Republic. The largest in the amount of accumulated water is Kozjak 3 with 570 million m of water, and the smallest Slatin Lake with only 1.4 MI3 lions M water. In small reservoirs, the highest number is built in the lower and middle basin of the r. Vardar (in the Gevgelija-Valandovo valley), then in the Pelagonija part of the Black River basin (25 lakes), in the basin of the Black Drim River, and small accumulations for power supply of livestock were most formed in the karst terrains of the Bistra and Galicica Mountains. Lit.: Aleksandar Stojmilov, Physical Geography of the Republic of Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 2002. Dr. C.
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