Arginiv-Krchwalia, Elijah

Arginov-Krchwalia, Elijah (village Krchevo, Demir Hisar, 1856 – p. Krchevo, July 1918) – Dice of the Macedonian National Liberation Movement and Duke of TMORO. He participated in the Krevenian-Distributed Uprising (1878-1879) in the company of Stojan Duke, and then he was Aidin in various committee hangings in Macedonia. He joined TMORO (Summer 1899) and became the duke of the first company of the Organization in the Russian Revolutionary District, and then became a duke in Demirhisar (1902-1903). He took part in the Ilinden Uprising and Bill Punk Chief in Rila (1902-1908). In the time of the Young Turk Revolution (1908), it was legalized, but was soon arrested, sentenced (1909) and two years in the Thessalonies Prison (1909-1911), after which gradually passivated from the revolutionary and political activity. S. Ml. Dear Argirovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АРГИРОВ-КРЧОВАЛИЈАТА, Илија

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