Andartartes (the end of ⅹⅰⅹ – P. They were organized by pengtric organizations supported by the Greek government and from the Constantinople Patriarchate, referring to the terrain of the action of Greek Metropolitan in Macedonia. They collaborated with the Ottoman authorities and interacted with their law enforcement authorities Greek Andkarty against the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization. Mass entered the failure of the Ilinden Uprising, when their action acquired the characteristics of external armed aggression in Macedonia. The Anderast troops were coordinated by Greek consulates and bishops. Lit.: Krste Bitovski, the Greek “Macedonian Struggle”, Skopje, 2001; Doclas Dakin, Tekh, Greek Strog, Macclesonia 1897-1913, theralonics, 1993. D. Job.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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