Chikrov, Dimitar (Prilep, 1902 – Skopje, May-June 1945) – Member of the IMPRO, VMRO and MPO. He studied architecture at the Belgrade University and joined the MMAT. He was arrested in the Court Student Process in Skopje (1927) was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Before World War II with D. Gjuzelov represented the Civil Opposition, which was advocated Macedonia to be a federal unit in the composition of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In the Second World War he put in the service of the Bulgarian occupying authorities in Macedonia and after the war was sentenced to death and Shot from the Macedonian power. Lit.: Dimitírí Gózelov, Zerthit
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧКАТРОВ, Димитар