Poverty. According to the statistical service of the European Union “Eurostat”, as poor persons, households and groups of people, whose resources (material, cultural and social) are at such a level that excludes them from having the concept of income (monetary) poverty. According to this concept, the individual or on-house is considered poor if the realized income or consumption is under a certain threshold (line) of poverty. The poverty level is calculated on the basis of a determined absolute, relative and / or subjective poverty threshold. The most commonly used diligent (monetary) standards of poverty are: the main summary index, the poverty depth index and the poverty sharpness index. The main summary index, or the “poverty rate”, shows the percentage of the total population, whose income or consumption of the Perza is below the threshold (line) of poverty. The poverty depth index is an average income deficit of the entire population (not only for the poor people), that is, an aggregate income deficit of poor people in terms of poverty threshold, divided by the total population. The poverty sharpness index is a close and connected measure with the index of poverty depth, with the difference that affects more weight on people who are farther from the poverty threshold (the poorest) in relation to persons closer to it (less the poor). The poverty rate in the Republic of Macedonia is about 30% and compared to the premises period is almost doubled. Data on the amount of the main summary index and the index of the depth of poverty, in a specified relative poverty threshold at the level of 70% of the medial equivalent consumption of households, for the period 1997-2004, are given in the following table: Poverty in the Republic of Macedonia, relative method (1997-2004) 1997 1998 1999 2001 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 did not move. There are 10 species in Macedonia. Litus: Birds In Euroope: Popylion Estimates, Trends and Conservantion status, “Bearlife International Conservantion Smeis”, 12, Tsambridge, Sign 2004; C. Harrison, an Atlas off Teke Bards of Tekester Palaierztitz, Vulner, 1982. St. P. – V. Sid.
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