Fesac Arrangement (Financial and Enterprise Structural Adjustment Croit), both intended for restructuring the real and financial sector. In April 1997 The IMF $ approves Macedonia, the so-called. ESAF arrangement (Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facilitis), and in May 1997, the World Bank was concluded, the so-called. Sal arrangement (Structural Adjustment Lann), intended for financing structural reforms. In August 1999 The IMF $ approves Macedonia, the so-called. CCFF arrangement (TSMPensenttatori and Contingen Financing Facilitis), which is intended for financing the temporary problems in exports, caused by the Kosovo crisis. In November 2000 Macedonia concludes a new arrangement with the IMF -PRGF (Thanks Reduction and Gronth Facilitis) and EFF (Euvent Fund Facilitis) for reducing poverty and encouraging economic growth. In December 2000, to support reforms in the financial and real sector, the World Bank $ approves Macedonia, the so-called. Fesal ⅱ arrangement (Financial Enterpríste Structural Adjustment Lano ⅱ). During 2003 A new 16-month stand-by arrangement with the IMF was signed, and 2004 The World Bank arrangement is concluded – the so-called.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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