Economic inequality – disparities in the distribution of income among individuals and groups in society. Inequality is usually part of the broader analysis of poverty and well-being. The generally accepted measurement of inequality is the giant coefficient, which is calculated on the basis of Lorentz curve, which is a visual measure of inequality and shows the percentage of income appropriated by the poorest% of the population. The larger the surface between the line of perfect equality (the diagonal) and the Lorenz curve, the greater inequality in the distribution of income among the population. Gini coefficient is a relationship between the surface that closes the diagonal and the Lorentz curve and the total area under the diagonal, c. Graph. Macedonia belongs to the ranks of countries with a moderate level of inequality in the distribution of income. The giant coefficient, which in the premises period amounted to 22, today amounted to 35, and is relatively stable. His rise is the result, mainly on the strengthening of the private sector, where inequality is significantly more pronounced. According to the Nobel laureate, Simon Kuznets (Simon Kuznas), the level of economic inequality is the result of the economic development phase (Kuznetsova curve), which practically means that countries with low level of economic development are usually characterized by a relatively balanced distribution of realized income. Such is the example and with the Republic of Macedonia. Survey on household consumption in the Republic of Macedonia 2004,, 2005. D. E. Publication for the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Economics, Skopje
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet