Rasolkoska, Zagorka Nikolovska

Rasolkoska, Zagorka Nikolovska (Prilep, 21. ⅶ 1932) – A historian of art. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy – Group History of Art in Belgrade (1958), after which he was employed at the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia in Skopje. Until retirement (1995) was founder and head of the Art Department at the Museum of Macedonia. As a researcher of medieval art, he was head of the project “Kitoric portraits and inscriptions in the wall painting in Macedonia in the ⅹⅴⅰ century”. He is the author of permanent museum settings and several exhibitions in the country and abroad. BIB. Jesus Christ Antyphonitis of the Church of St. Gorgi in Upper Kozjak, “Proceedings of the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia”, ⅵ-ⅶ, Skopje, 1975; The monastery of Zrze with churches “Transfiguration” and “St. Nicholas “, monuments for the medieval and recent history of Macedonia, ⅳ, Institute for Research of Old Slavic Culture – Prilep, Skopje, 1981; The Toplic Monastery in the light of new research, Kliment Ohridski and the role of the Ohrid Literary School in the development of Slavic Education, MANU, Skopje, 1989; O Historic Portraitima U Psachi and Time Nuhovogue, “Zograf”, 24, Belgrade, 1995; The work of the painter Onofri Argitis in Macedonia, “Proceedings for medieval art”, no. 3, Skopje, 2001. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РАСОЛКОСКА, Загорка Николовска

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