Transfiguration – One of the great Christian Orthodox holidays, dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Lord (19/6 August). When Jesus tells his disciples that he would suffer and resurrect, they could not believe the Son of God suffer. Jesus decided to show them how it would look like that not to disappoint and leave learning. He led three apostles – Peter, Jacob and John and took them to Mount Tabor. There he began to pray and suddenly the person began to shine as the sun, and his clothes became white as snow. Then the two oldest proportion of Moses and Ilija appeared and talked with Jesus. In memory of this event, the Church has established this holiday. According to the folk belief, then Grjze is first taken and is worn in church, where the priest is blessed by prayer. This act is also gratitude to the Lord for all natural gifts of the country. Due to the frequency of time, it is believed that the nature is converted, that the night opposite the feast, exactly at midnight, the “translation” icon (ⅹⅰⅹ c.) Warring the sky (as the Epiphany) and all that are awake in That moment, God fulfilled the desires. Some believed that the moment and the trees bowed with the tops to the ground. M. Keith.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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