Radoslavevic, Fobbi (Bobby) (Knobi), Serbia, 28. and 1915 – Belgrade, 4 ⅳ 1984) – Serbian communist Dian, instructor of the CPY CPY and one of the NOV organizers in Macedonia (Bobby) Radoselevic, a national hero of Yugoslavia and statesman. As an Agronomy of Agronomy of the Agricultural and Forestry Faculty in Belgrade, he was a member of the CPY (from 1933), the PC of SCA for Serbia and the Central Central Committee, which was sentenced to four years in the criminal office in Sremska Mitrovica. Later, the Secretary of the CPY District Committee for the Zagrey District and Delegate from Serbia at the Fifth Earth Conference of the CPY (Zagreb, 1940). He is one of the NOV organizers in eastern Serbia, and then, by order of the CPY CPY and the Supreme Headquarters of New and Paus, sent for the instructor of the CPY CPY in Macedonia (July 1942 – January 1945). He was elected a delegate of the second session of Awnoj. After the liberation, a secretary of the CPS City Committee in Belgrade, People’s MP, Finance Minister in the Government of the FNRJ, President of the CC of SKS (autumn 1966 – February 1968), a member of the CC of SKJ, etc. The bearer is a partisan monument 1941 and the Orden People’s Hero of Yugoslavia. BIB.: On the road of victory, Brotherhood Brigade and Unity, Skopje, 1958, 29-32; Second Macedonian Drill Brigade, Skopje, 1973, 9-11. AM: Sources for the Liberation War and Revolution in Macedonia 1941-1945, Tom and, Rh. First – seventh, Skopje, 1969-1983. Lit.: MACEDONIA FROM ORDER TO RETABLE 1941-1945. (Proceedings Radova), Belgrade, 1987. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РАДОСАВЛЕВИЌ, Добривое